My fascination with photography began in my senior year of college. The idea of freezing moments in time, capturing memories to revisit later, deeply resonated with me. Like many beginners, I started with the “nifty fifty” lens, drawn to the allure of blurry backgrounds and bokeh. While I occasionally captured images I liked, nothing truly stood out.

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Upon graduating, the rise of mirrorless cameras caught my eye. Their compact size and impressive advancements in picture quality and autofocus became compelling. I bought into the Sony Alpha 6300 system, with both a zoom and a prime lens, and I took a lot more photos. Its portability made it a perfect travel companion.

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However, the allure of “better” gear and the infamous GAS (Gadget Acquisition Syndrome) soon took hold. I invested in a Sony A7R3, believing a full-frame camera was the key to unlocking my photographic potential. Initially, I was captivated by the incredible bokeh it produced, but the novelty faded. I realized that a shallow depth of field, while aesthetically pleasing, wasn’t enough to make me a better photographer.

Lacking portrait subjects and inspiration, I turned to Instagram for creative exploration. Street photography caught my eye - its focus on storytelling and capturing the raw essence of humanity resonated deeply. As someone who enjoys solitary walks through the city, I began to see the streets as my canvas, documenting the fleeting moments and emotions that unfolded around me. Finally, photography transformed into a genuine passion, an activity I pursued for the pure joy of it.

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However, as life’s demands grew and the pandemic hit, my full-frame companion started gathering dust. The intentionality required for dedicated photography sessions became a hurdle. Food photography began dominating my captures, and I questioned the A7R3’s place in my life.

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Ultimately, I chose to part ways with my professional gear, keeping only a Fujifilm X100 camera. Its tactile and aesthetic appeal, along with its film simulations, brought back the joy of simply capturing moments. The moody JPEGs resonated more deeply than the sterile perfection of the Sony files, effectively conveying my emotions and perspective. Ironically, the X100 series exploded in popularity on platforms like TikTok after my purchase, becoming a sought-after item. Its perfect balance between functionality and physical charm struck a chord with many, including myself.

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This is where my photographic journey stands today. I may not be a master of the craft, but the enjoyment and fulfillment I find in taking pictures is undeniable. I look forward to sharing more of my visual stories through this website, inviting you to join me on this ongoing exploration.